
The Tugboat

It's not what it seems, not  about being sorry after all this long period when you're asked and you found no excuse but "I'm sorry", it's not to apologize when it's not gonna work anymore, when it's really too late!
You made the majority of your mistakes while thinking of consuming everything around you, while feeling that the entire vast world was only found to feed you like a huge chest. And, that is very unlike you. At the end of the day, you became another idiot wondering whether it was really worthy. Does it really worth the candle? Or you were cheating on yourself, in order to cheat on everybody else?!
This is what makes all this confusion about this issue flows up on the surface, that might be the ugly face of truth and perhaps it's the nicest face at all.
When you steal everything including your inner voice, the voice on which you spent days and nights focusing, when you lose your brightness deep down in the bottom of your eyes, when your horror is increased and your peace of mind is no longer exists; this is the point when you have to do something to avoid the madness within your soul.
This is what it's all about from the beginning of time to the end. You're utterly consumed by your dreams, your success and fails, by the way in which you think of your  narrow world, and upon loosing and gaining you always forget the basic element beyond this all. humanity!
You can always put your own humps closing up the chain around your imagination, and you can at the same time open up your heart and soul to the next level. You're much like a tugboat pulls all this stage behind, Yes dear you're dragging the whole universe, and you can allow it to pull you to the deep ocean, but you cannot let it go. You're a tugboat!
It all depends on you, on me, on us, as long as we're one big family rounding about the meaning of life forgetting that the only meaning that's really exist is the one we give to life in other words to our very present moment.
If we didn't take into consideration that the only minute is the very present minute, if we couldn't look beyond the sky for one second, then obviously we're gonna sink with our foolish. We give meanings to things, we allow them to exist, and we surrender to our nightmares and give up fighting. It is always about us here and now, nothing more at all.
Illusion is the only way out of this, and meditation is the only way in. Keep that in mind.

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. بالعربي يا عمي ويالله عم نفهم :(

    خليك عم تكتب بالعربي مشان نتفاعل معك كما يجب غسان.

  2. لميس تحياتي :)

    ببعض الأحيان بحب أكتب بالأنجليزي لأنو بحسها بتعبر عن شي معين أكثر مما قد تفعل اللغة العربية، هذا من ناحية ومن ناحية ثانية بحب اللغات كثير بالواقع.

    على أي حال طلبك تم أخذه بعين الاعتبار ومنشان هيك عملت مدونة خاصة بالأنجليزي على الرابط التالي:


    تحياتي إلك.
